All posts by admin

Market of Opportunity: Doing Business in Indonesia



With its young and growing population, role chairing the G2 in 2022 and skyrocketing global growth, Indonesia has moved beyond rising star to a serious and established economic force, becoming Canada’s largest Southeast Asia trading partner.

Learn about the following Export Development Canada’s article on how to grow your company globally and tap into this dynamic market.

Click here for full article.

ICCC-SSEK Webinar: Helping Businesses Navigate the Move to OSS Risk-Based Licensing

ICCC-SSEK Webinar Helping Businesses Navigate the Move to OSS Risk-Based Licensing




The Indonesia Canada Chamber of Commerce (ICCC) and SSEK Legal Consultants invite you to a webinar on Helping Businesses Navigate the Move to OSS Risk-Based Licensing

This webinar provides an understanding to businesses regarding the new processes and features of the Risk-Based Online Single Submission (OSS) System.

Date: Thursday, 21 April 2022
Time: 10:00 – 11:30 AM WIB
Click here to register ✅

This webinar is free of charge.
For more info, please contact


ICCC-KIKAN KADIN Webinar Indonesia – Canada CEPA: Benefits of a Comprehensive Economic Partnership

ICCC - KIKAN KADIN Webinar (2)

Indonesia – Canada CEPA: Benefits of a Comprehensive Economic Partnership

23 March 2022
10:00 – 11:30 WIB
Click here to register or visit

For more info:
+62 81213297910

Keynote Speakers:
Bernardino M. Vega
Vice Chairman of International Relations,
the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KADIN Indonesia)

Mark Strasser
Commercial Counsellor,
Senior Trade Commissioner,
Embassy of Canada to Indonesia

Hariyadi B. Sukamdani
the Employers Association of Indonesia (APINDO)

Wahyuni Bahar
Managing Partner,
Bahar Law & Consulting

For profile of keynote speakers and moderator, please click here.

This webinar will highlight for the audience the objectives and benefits of a comprehensive economic partnership agreement, and typical areas of coverages such as market access, rules to facilitate trade & investment, and cooperation.

In this webinar we will also explore the potential benefits anticipated from an agreement, such as cost reductions for businesses and consumers, the boosting of economic growth, bilateral trade & investment, and also long-term job creation.

Indonesian Market Outlook in 2022: Is the recession behind us?



Indonesian Market Outlook in 2022: Is the recession behind us?

Thu, 27 Jan 2022
10:00 – 12:00 WIB
Click here to register

This webinar will provide a comprehensive Indonesian market outlook for 2022 with both macro analysis and specific insights in property and retail as the country eases into the new normal. The webinar will also cover the regional and international landscape affecting the global economy recovery, especially with respect to Indonesia’s main trading partners.

Wisnu Wardana
Economist, Treasury and Capital Market
Bank Danamon Indonesia

Yongky S. Susilo
Indonesia Retail and Consumer Goods Expert

Michael D. Broomell
Managing Director
Colliers Indonesia

For Presenters bio, click here.


Digitalization in Indonesia: Unlocking Business Opportunities Online





The Indonesia Canada Chamber of Commerce (ICCC) and SSEK Legal Consultants invite you to a webinar on Digitalization in Indonesia: Unlock Business Opportunities Online.

This webinar will look at digital business laws and regulations in Indonesia and discuss opportunities and challenges for businesses online.

Date: Thursday, November 18
Time: 10:00 – 11:30 am Jakarta Time

This webinar is free of charge.
For more info, please contact

Click here to register.

ICCC Webinar on Indonesia’s Omnibus Law: Business as Usual Under New Employment Regulation?

ICCC SSEK April 2021

ICCC Webinar on Indonesia’s Omnibus Law: Business as Usual Under New Employment Regulation?

Date: Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Time: 10:00 – 11:30 am Jakarta Time

The Government of Indonesia has issued implementing regulations as mandated for the Job Creation Law (Law No. 11 of 2020). There are several new regulations in place specifically for the manpower sector.

In this complimentary webinar, SSEK Legal Consultants, in collaboration with the Indonesia Canada Chamber of Commerce (ICCC), will examine one of the most anticipated and significant of these manpower implementing regulations – Government Regulation No. 35 of 2021 on Definite Period Employment Agreements, Outsourcing, Working and Resting Hours, and Termination of Employment.

SSEK’s Stephen Igor Warokka, a partner in the firm’s labor and employment practice, and Indrawan Dwi Yuriutomo, a senior associate in the practice, will lead the discussion on key points of GR35/2021 including:

  • New procedures for the termination of employment
  • Changes to termination benefit packages
  • New requirements for definite period employment agreements
  • Business licensing for outsourcing companies
  • What employers should know about new provisions on working hours, overtime and rest times for workers

For profile of presenters, please click here

This webinar is free of charge.

For more info, please contact

Click here to register.

This event is organized by Indonesia Canada Chamber of Commerce and

SSEK Indonesian Legal Consultants.


SSEK is rated as a top-tier employment and labor law firm in Indonesia by leading legal directories including Chambers & Partners, The Legal 500 and Asia Law & Practice. SSEK is the Indonesia member of the Employment Law Alliance (, a leading global alliance of labor and employment law firms and lawyers.


Canada-ASEAN Business Leaders Series: Advancing Canada-Indonesia Economic Relations


The CABC cordially invites you to join our Advancing Canada-Indonesia Economic Relations on 7th April, between 09:00am to 11:00am Jakarta time. This webinar is co-hosted by the Canada-ASEAN Business Council, Indonesia Canada Chamber of Commerce, and Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KADIN), in collaboration with the Quebec Government Office in Singapore and Saskatchewan Singapore Office. It is also part of the Canada-ASEAN Business Leaders Series 2021 organized by the CABC in partnership with the Government of Canada.

Guests of Honour:

·     H.E. Ambassador Cameron MacKay, Canada’s Ambassador to Indonesia

·     Ms. Shinta Kamdani, Vice Chairwoman for International Relations, KADIN

Why you should join: 

·     Keynote Presentation on Indonesia’s business and investment environment such as legislative changes brought about by the Omnibus Law

·     Learn about the opportunities in the bilateral relationship and the impact of potential free trade between Canada and Indonesia

·     Panel discussion with Q&A

·     Exclusive Market Entry Workshop by SSEK Indonesian Legal Consultants and Open Networking session for participants in attendance

Register now at and explore your next business opportunities!