All posts by admin
Infrastructure Webinar Series by the Embassy of Canada to Indonesia
Alternative Infrastructure Financing in a Post Covid Environment
ICCC Webinar on the Omnibus Jobs Law and the Indonesian Oil and Gas, Mining and Power Sectors
ICCC Webinar on the Omnibus Jobs Law and the Indonesian Oil and Gas, Mining and Power Sectors
Date: Wednesday, November 18, 2020
Time: 10:00 – 11:30 am Jakarta Time
Indonesia’s highly anticipated Omnibus Bill on Job Creation has been passed into law. During this ICCC webinar, lawyers from SSEK Legal Consultants will discuss changes in the Indonesian oil and gas, mining and power sectors under the new law and how those changes might affect companies in the country. They will also answer your questions during the Q&A.
This webinar is free of charge.
For more info, please contact
This event is organized by Indonesia Canada Chamber of Commerce and SSEK Indonesian Legal Consultants.
Real Estate Investment Indonesia Connect: Connecting Projects with Capital through Virtual Conference and Business Matching (24-25.11.2020)
REII Connect is a digital platform gathering the real estate industry value chain to raise capital, invest, share knowledge, and gain partnership for real estate projects.
This platform connects real estate developers and project owners with capital and stakeholders through virtual meeting engagement and conferences followed by series of pre-event webinars.
For ICCC members, please click here to register for your participation.
To see the detail topic covered on the conference, please click here.
Click here for more info about the event and here for the conference agenda.
ICCC Webinar on the Omnibus Jobs Bill and Labor Law Reform
ICCC WEBINAR – Financial and Health Management in Covid-19 Era
Virtual Canada Day 2020 by CanChams in Asia – 1 July 2020
CanChams (Canadian Chambers of Commerce) in collaboration with the Embassy of Canada are delighted to invite you to join the largest virtual Canada Day celebration in Asia. The event will take place on Wednesday, July 1, 2020 at 14:00 (Indochina time – ICT) via Zoom platform. Along with many countries across the region, this event will feature various exciting activities to celebrate Canada’s 153rd birthday! The event is open to all members of the Canadian community, CanChams across the region (China, India, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam), their friends, associates and the general public.
The virtual Canada Day 2020 is separated into three parts; (1) the KEYNOTE, starting at 14:00 (ICT), to welcome all guests and listen to our keynote speakers; (2) BUSINESS ROOM, where you can get in touch and hear updates from CanChams across Asia. Guests will have a chance to network with members of other CanChams across the region and opportunity to meet new friends; (3) A family friendly SOCIAL ROOM where you and your family can enjoy a fun Canadian trivia quiz and a chance to win some prizes.
One of the feature activities is the “Best Zoom background” competition where you are encouraged to enrich your creativity and create a Canadian themed Zoom background. The winner will be featured in our social media and Voyageur magazine of CanCham Thailand.
We look forward to seeing you there and don’t forget to wear RED for Canada Day!
Date: Wednesday, July 1, 2020
Time: 14:00 – 16:00 (Indochina Time – ICT)
Venue: Zoom Online Meeting
Dress code: Red / white
To register, please click here.
ICCC Webinar – Indonesian Consumer and Retail Trends After Covid-19: Road to Rebound